乔治临床( George Clinical ): BioKorea 2016
From the 30th March – 1 April 2016, 乔治临床( George Clinical ) will be exhibiting at the largest Bio exhibition in Asia – Bio Korea 2016, held in Seoul. BioKorea, established in 2006, has grown t […]
了解更多From the 30th March – 1 April 2016, 乔治临床( George Clinical ) will be exhibiting at the largest Bio exhibition in Asia – Bio Korea 2016, held in Seoul. BioKorea, established in 2006, has grown t […]
了解更多The Malaysian government has committed funding to improve the healthcare systems in order to further support clinical research. Clinical Research Malaysia (CRM) is a non-pro t organisation – w […]
了解更多Philip Gregory of 乔治临床( George Clinical ) – China, highlight South Korea’s capabilities in a three part series originally published on http://innovations.bbkworldwide.com/part-ii-insights-on-t […]
了解更多Philip Gregory of George Clinical focuses on China, in a three part series originally published on http://innovations.bbkworldwide.com/part-iii-chinas-future-in-global-clinical-research that d […]
了解更多Globally, there are millions of people that could benefit from an intensive lowering of blood pressure (BP). An individual with lower BP decreases their chances of suffering from any cardiovascular events such as: stroke, heart disease or heart attacks. A new study shows that lowering blood pressure to less than 140 mm Hg, the current […]
了解更多Sponsors are increasingly seeking emerging areas to conduct clinical trials for new patient pools and better recruitment. However, successful implementation of a global clinical trial in areas […]
了解更多Alzheimer’s disease is currently the largest unmet medical need in neurology. More than 44 million people live with dementia worldwide, with Alzheimer’s being the most common form. As aging po […]
了解更多Throughout clinical trials, the data manager (DM) is heavily involved in constructing databases, managing reports, programming quality checks and managing the collection of data in the clinical trial. The DM is responsible for managing and training users the concepts of computerised clinical data base systems as well as fulfilling other duties such as design basic […]
了解更多New research from the International Childhood Cancer Cohort Consortium (I4C) confirms that childhood cancer is linked to birthweight. Childhood cancer appears to be slowly rising, at a rate of approximately 1% per year in developed countries. The I4C is an alliance of several large-scale studies of children that pools data on factors in relation to […]
了解更多The Malaysian government has committed funding to improve the healthcare systems in order to further support clinical research. Clinical Research Malaysia (CRM) is a non-profit organisation &# […]